#UHavethePower Take the Pledge

By : Publish on : Aug 19, 2019
What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to yourself, your peers, and your community. #UHaveThePower pledge is a call to action to end sexual violence through education.

Why should I pledge?

We can end sexual violence in our society! Working together, building awareness, and acting to create understanding and respect for all people. Here are the many ways you, your team, your group, your family, your friends can help:

Live a life of respect
Create safe, healthy relationships at home, work and in the community
Be aware that actions and words can influence those around me, especially children
Change attitudes and behaviour around the responsibility of sexual violence by understanding rape myths and victim blaming
Be an engaged bystander –
Recognize when sexual violence may happen
Step up and step in when you see someone in trouble
When it may not be safe for you to step in, cause a distraction to stop the assault from occurring
Call for help – you do not have to intervene on your own or put your own life in danger
Model the behaviour through action and words of respect
Take steps to educate yourself and others on consent, rape culture, and sexual violence
Believe a person who tells you about their sexual assault

Anyone and everyone can be impacted by sexual violence, it does not matter your age, race, gender, orientation, belief, etc. There are attitudes and behaviours within society that normalize, minimize, and excuse sexual violence. We all have a role to play when it comes to ending sexual violence, whether we are impacted directly or indirectly. Making a community pledge is important as it holds us accountable. You are making a personal commitment to use #UHaveThePower to take action and raise awareness.


_____________________________________________________________________, pledge to:
Group Name/Your Name

Make a difference by using our/my voice to call out sexual violence
Support and believe individuals that have experienced and are impacted by sexual violence
Ask for consent
Be an active bystander
Engage in conversations that challenge negative attitudes, behaviours and beliefs about sexual violence

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Signature Date