Help us, help others! Your gifts make a difference in the lives of many.
CSAC follows Imagine Canada’s Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Standards as its policy. In so doing, members of the governing board commit to being ethical in their fundraising and financial reporting and to ensure to the best of their ability that the organization adheres to the provisions of the standards.
Charitable Number 726 410 517 RR 0001
Donor’s Rights:
- All donors (individuals, corporations and foundations) are entitled to receive an official receipt for income tax purposes for the amount of the donation. Donors of non-monetary eligible gifts (or gifts-in-kind) are entitled to receive an official receipt that reflects the fair market value of the gift. (Note: Eligible gifts are defined in Revenue Canada or its successor. Some common gifts, such as donations of volunteer time, services, food, inventory from a business, etc., are not eligible to receive official tax receipts.) Click Here for more information.
- All fundraising solicitations by or on behalf of the CSAC will disclose the charity’s name and the purpose for which funds are requested. Printed solicitations, however transmitted, will also include its address and other contact information (phone number, website address).
- All fundraising prospective donors are entitled to the following, promptly upon request:
- The CSAC’s most recent annual report and financial statements as approved by the governing board
- The CSAC’s registration number (BN) as assigned by Revenue Canada (72641 0517 RR001)
- Any information contained in public portion of the CSAC’s most recent Charity Information Return (form T3010) as submitted to Revenue Canada.
- A list of the members of the CSAC’s governing board
- A copy of the Complaints Policy
- A copy of the Privacy Policy
- Donors and prospective donors are entitled to know, upon request, whether an individual soliciting funds on behalf of the CSAC is a volunteer, an employee or a hired solicitor.
- Donors will be encouraged to seek independent advice if the CSAC has any reason to believe that a proposed gift is a planned gift and/or might significantly affect the donor’s financial position, taxable income or relationship with other family members.
- Donors’ requests to remain anonymous will be respected.
- The privacy of donors will be respected. Any donor records that are maintained by the CSAC will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible. Donors have the right to see their own donor ## record and to challenge its accuracy.
- The CSAC will not share, exchange, rent or sell its donors list to any other agency or source.
- Donors and prospective donors will be treated with respect. Every effort will be made in honour their request to:
- Limit the frequency of contact and solicitations
- Not be solicited by telephone, mail or other technology
- Receive printed material concerning the CSAC
- Discontinue contact
- The CSAC will respond promptly to a complaint by a donor or prospective donor about any matter that is addressed in these policies. A designated staff member or volunteer will attempt to satisfy the complainant’s concerns in the first instances. A complainant who remains dissatisfied will be informed that they may appeal in writing to the CSAC’s governing board or it’s designate and will be advised in writing of the disposition of the appeal.
- The CSAC will not, under any circumstances, make claims that cannot be upheld or are misleading.
- The CSAC will not exploit our beneficiaries. It will remain sensitive to describing those we served (whether using graphics, text or images) and fairly represent their needs and how these needs will be addressed.
Ways to Give:
One Time Gift
Any amount can make a difference in live of someone who has been abused. Donate Now.
Give Monthly
Making an ongoing commitment provides predictable funding to our charity and impacts hundreds of lives each and every year. A gift each month is easier to plan and budget for, it’s convenient and leads to a larger impact on the lives of others.
Sign up online and choose your gift amount.
Dedicate a Gift
Make a donation in honour of a friend or in memory of a loved one. It is a way to:
**Celebrate milestones be it birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or retirements. **
Special holidays can be stressful trying to find that perfect gift. Donating in someone’s honour provides hope and care for a child or adult who has been abused. Imagine the power of giving light in the darkness!
- In memory of a loved one who has passed away, can provide a meaningful tribute that lives on to help another person.
You can do all of these things by simply donating online – state your dedication on the donation form, designate the donation to the program of your choice and then ask us to send a card by mail with an inscription. Your name and email and special message will be shared with the recipient. (Just remember to give us their name and address too).
Gifts In Kind
Gifts of new toys (nonviolent, and nonsexualized), new children’s books, new art supplies (for all ages including adults) are welcomed and provided to those who access our centre.
Please note that due to health regulations and space constraints only certain items can be accepted.
Great ideas for gifts include:
Stuffed toys Card games (uno, skipbo, go fish) Journals Colouring Books Crosswords, Suduko, Word Search books Children Books (all ages) Puzzles Sketchbooks Paint Sets Lego sets Craft Kits Toy Cars Board Games Playdoh Fisher Price Sets Self-care items Gift Cards ($20 to $50) to Toys r Us, Walmart, Coffee Shops, the movies, booster juice etc.
Toys and gift may be dropped off to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre and designated to the programs/services of choice.
Gas cards and Grocery cards
Many families accessing services for their children do not have the funds to make it through an emergency. You can help get kids to therapy and court by making sure essentials are met in times of crisis.
Gifts can be dropped off to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre, and designated to any program or service we offer.
Legacy Giving
Leave a gift in your will to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre. Legacy giving leaves a lasting memory of your kindness by helping many people to heal in the years to come. Your gift will provide help to hundreds of abused children and adults.
You can leave a bequest:
Undesignated Bequest
Residual Bequest: Designates all or a portion of whatever remains after all debts, taxes, expenses and all other bequests have been paid.
“I give _________ [a portion of, example: “25% of”; all of, example: “100% of”] the rest and residue of my estate to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre, in the City of Lethbridge, Alberta, to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre may from time to time determine. I declare that the official charitable donation receipt shall be a sufficient discharge of my Executor.”
Specific Bequest: Directs that the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre receives a specific amount or a certain kind of property, for example, a gift of shares.
“I give _______ to the Chinook Sexual Assault Center in the City of Lethbridge, Alberta, to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre may from time to time determine. I declare that the official charitable donation receipt shall be a sufficient discharge of my Executor.”
Designated Bequest Gifts may be directed to a particular area of the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre operations. These gifts may also be residual or specific. “I give ________ to the Chinook Sexual Assault Center in the City of Lethbridge, Alberta, to be used for ___________________________ at the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre. I declare that the official charitable donation receipt shall be a sufficient discharge of my Executor.”
Some options for designated gifts: o future capital needs o sexual assault centre programming o child and youth advocacy centre programming o research o program development
Power to Vary Clause: We recommend that you include language that permits the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre to use the gift for a different purpose if circumstances change that make it impossible or impracticable to carry out the original purposes.
“In the event that, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre, it should become impossible, inadvisable, or impractical to apply this gift for said purpose, the gift may be used for other purposes consonant with the spirit and intention of this gift.”
A Gift of Publicly Traded Securities:
Donors may choose to transfer gifts of shares rather than making a major cash gift. This can result in attractive tax benefits for the donor and a larger gift to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre compared to the donor selling the shares and donating cash. We welcome donors to contact us for a conversation about how we can facilitate this unique option for those who have appreciated shares and wish to make a major gift.
A Gift of Life Insurance - Turning Pennies into Dollars
Policy where Chinook Sexual Assault Centre is the Owner and Beneficiary A donor may take out a policy where Chinook Sexual Assault Centre is the owner and beneficiary. In such cases, the organization may issue a tax receipt to the donor for the premiums paid. Upon the death of the donor, the amount of the death benefit will pass to Chinook Sexual Assault Centre outside the donor’s estate. No tax receipt is issued to the estate or donor after death.
Donor-owned policy with Chinook Sexual Assault Centre as Beneficiary Only Donors may choose to designate Chinook Sexual Assault Centre as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy and when the donor passes, the organization receives the death benefit. This death benefit passes to the organization outside the donor’s estate. Chinook Sexual Assault Centre may issue a tax receipt for the amount of the death benefit received.
We invite interested donors to have a conversation with us about these options to best suit their needs and charitable wishes.
Donate Your Car
Car Not Working? Why not donate the car to support the CSAC!
Click or call 1-877-250-4904 or email and tell them you wish to donate your car to support the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre.
Donate Your Bottles
Join Skip the Depot, make an acount, selct Chinook Sexual assault Centre as your charity, arrange a time/date for pick up and the depot will pick up your bottles, and donate the money from your bottles to the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre.