I Experienced Sexual Assault or Abuse in the Past as an Adult

As a survivor, you’ve carried these memories with you for a long time. Many individuals keep the abuse hidden for years, sometimes because they tried to tell someone but were not believed, or they felt there was no one they could trust. Because of this, the effects of sexual abuse or assault can last long after it has ended.

In Canada, there is no statute of limitations for reporting sexual assault. People may not report right away for many reasons, like fear of not being believed, feeling guilty or ashamed, thinking they were to blame, or not realizing it was abuse. If you decide that reporting is the right choice for you, you can do so at any time. It’s never too late.

There is no specific timeline for healing, and everyone processes and recovers in their own way and at their own pace. If you are ready to reach out for support, our Centre happy to meet you wherever you are on your healing journey.