Advocacy is a deliberate process of influencing those who make policy decisions in order to create change for a specific condition in society. Advocacy can also be described as informing, consulting, and/or influencing decision makers and policy advisors on issues that affect survivors and their families. Advocacy work at the CSAC is carried out on these three levels:
We are here to advocate for your best interests – where you direct us as the expert of your own needs; to support you to make sure your voice is heard; to increase your understanding of your rights; to assist you in understanding your obligations; and to assist you in accessing services.
We are committed to work with the Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Services (AASAS), Sexual Violence Action Committee (SVAC) and other like-minded agencies and community groups in creating meaningful social change on attitudes to sexual violence; increased access to social justice systems; advancing governmental commitments to survivors and in eradicating sexual violence.
We are here to advocate for change within the social and justice systems that are here to serve victims of sexual assault. We will continue to invest in research based and evaluated programs and services in order to increase our knowledge, skills and credibility in addressing deficits within these systems.