Peer support increases hope, control and skills to effect positive changes in life. Peer Support Groups help people feel less alone and more understood. Members act as role models for each other. It can be beneficial in healing when we see others who are struggling with a similar adversity and are making progress in their lives. This can bring about encouragement and inspiration to better their own situations, thus helping to improve self esteem and decrease anxiety. Peer support can empower people to work on their own issues. Members share information and receive authentic encouragement back.
CSAC Peer Support Groups:
Embracing Relationships
Woman’s Group 8-week psycho-educational peer support group for 18+ female identifying individuals. Dig into the topic of healthy relationships and explore different aspects such as consent, boundaries, trust/respect, communication and self-esteem.
Asserting Boundaries Woman’s Group 8-week psycho-educational peer support group for 18+ female identifying individuals. Dig into the topic of healthy boundaries and assertiveness, exploring each individual’s personal boundaries and learn how to set these boundaries without guilt, fear and shame. This group will help to prioritize assertively saying no and welcoming yes on your own terms.
**Woman’s Recovery ** Journey 10-week, psycho-educational peer support group for 18+ female identifying individuals in recovery from addiction after experiencing sexual violence.
**Men’s Recovery ** Journey 10-week, psycho-educational peer support group for 18+ male identifying individuals in recovery from addiction after experiencing sexual violence.
Hurting to Healing Men’s Group 8-week, psycho-educational peer support group for 18+ male identifying individuals. Dig into topics of understanding trauma responses, shame and guilt, boundaries, healthy relationships, male pressures and belief systems.
Relaciones Positivas (Spanish Group) Este es un grupo de apoyo para mujeres que han sufrido abuse sexual en el pasado o presente. El propósito del grupo es que las participantes aprendan y discuten temas acerca de las relaciones. Los siguientes tópicos serán incluidos: Consentimiento, Limites/Zonas, Comunicación, Confianza, Roles, Auto-cuidado, Auto-estima, Sanacion/Recuperación.
Moving Forward Weekly, 2-hour drop-in group for adult survivors of sexualized violence offering a safe, supportive and caring environment to discuss healing after sexual violence, to learn about the effects of trauma and to give and receive support.
Friends with Boundaries Peer Support 9-week group for ages 13-17. Youth participate in a psycho-educational peer support group on youth dating abuse allowing them the opportunity to support their friends or notice the signs of abuse before the situation becomes dangerous for themselves. This group teaches early interventions and what healthy relationships look like.
**How to Register: **
Groups have no cost to attend. For more information about a particular group, to discuss suitability, or to register for the next available series, please reach out to or call 403-694-1094 to speak to an advocate about intake.
Check our website and social media for dates and times.
Facilitated By:
Peer Support Groups are facilitated by staff, volunteers, or a combination of staff/volunteers. The peer support facilitators provide emotional and social support to participants understanding that each person is unique in their experience and path towards healing. Facilitators give individuals an opportunity and safe space to learn about their concerns, give and receive feedback, share information/knowledge, and have fun. Each peer support varies from group to group, and person to person, each group needs to decide what works for them and be flexible as the needs of the group grow and develop. Peer support facilitators can inspire hope and model the possibility of moving forward from trauma.