How The “WHO DO YOU TELL?”™ Program Helps

A specialized program for children grades K to 6, offered in school settings.

“WHO DO YOU TELL?”™ teaches children;
  • To understand that child sexual abuse is any inappropriate touching or viewing of the private parts of a child’s body by an older person, or when an older person has a child look at or touch their private parts.
  • What the private parts of the body are and age appropriate terminology.
  • That they have the right to respond assertively against any sexually abusive behaviour.
  • That child sexual abuse is never the child’s fault.
  • Be able to name adults they can tell if they feel uncomfortable, threatened or if they have been abused.
“WHO DO YOU TELL?”™ teaches adults;
  • Information about childhood sexual abuse including potential indicators and what to watch out for.
  • How to talk to children about sexual abuse and keep the conversation going at home and in the classroom.
  • How to respond to children’s’ disclosures of sexual abuse.

Preventing and responding to child sexual abuse is all of our responsibility. It is important that both children and the adults who care for children know what to do if child sexual abuse should occur. Parents are encouraged to be the primary educators for their children beginning at an early age and to continue to keep the conversation open with their children so that children know that there are safe and supportive people who they can talk to about abuse. Education and information empowers individuals to take action in response to child abuse.

For more information about “Who Do You Tell?”™ please call our agency at 403-694-1094 or email