If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. For non-emergency help, please call our crisis line 403-694-1094. For crisis support after hours please call Alberta's One Line for Sexual Violence at 1-866-403-8000 (available daily 9 am to 9 pm).
Group 18 Copy

I didn’t know that!

Most college victims are assaulted by someone they know
Anyone who has grounds to believe a child is being abused or neglected has an obligation to report. Recognizing Abuse


March 20, 2025

Heidi Echavarria from Bridge City News chats with Cheryl Patterson, manager of the Chinook Child and Youth Advocacy Centre about the upcoming RunWild fundraising run which raises funds for Child and Youth Advocacy Centres across Canada. Click here to watch

March 14, 2025

Catholic Central High School’s production of the iconic musical Mamma Mia! is hoping to connect with audiences and community. The production is donating $5.00 from each ticket sold for three special “sing-along” performances March 15, 19 and 22 to the Chinook Cild and Youth Advocacy Centre (CCYAC). Cheryl Patterson, Manager of the CCYAC, took part in a press conference to promote the production. Mamma Mia! runs from March 14 until March 22 with performances at 7:00 p.

March 4, 2025

Listen now. Our podcast Voices in the Wind is now available wherever you access your favourite podcasts including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music. Our March episode features Cheryl Patterson, Manager of the Chinook Child and Youth Advocacy Centre. Cheryl speaks about the work the CCYAC is doing to support children and youth affected by abuse. She talks about the Centre’s programming and the unique partnerships between agencies which come together here. Access the audio version of the podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5R9orHHguGpz932RALDkUY?si=5cRAP3K0TYScqqcbr8hA5Q

February 28, 2025

Chinook Sexual Assault Centre CEO Kristine Cassie was interviewed by My Lethbridge Now about why it is important that we continue to be involved in Pink Shirt Day.

Click here to read: https://www.mylethbridgenow.com/51633/news/community/no-better-time-than-now-to-promote-kindness-and-inclusivity/

February 27, 2025

Every year, thousands of people across Canada are impacted by human trafficking. A new documentary titled “Into the Light” will be released soon. Into the Light will explore human trafficking in Indigenous communities in Alberta and includes an interview with our CEO Kristine Cassie. Native Counselling Services of Alberta is producing the film which is endeavouring to take human trafficking out of the dark and into the light of education, wellness and healing.

Watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/CPdO4z0Uw4I?si=9UBvoo6kO6i7PzHI

February 27, 2025

Chinook Sexual Assault Centre CEO Kristine Cassie was a special guest on the CBC program Just Asking. The topic, “How to have difficult conversations about sexual assault” generated lots of important discussion. Click the link below to listen to the full episode or look for Just Asking on your favourite podcast app.

Click this link to listen: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-1424-just-asking/clip/16117499-how-difficult-conversations-sexual-assault



About CSAC

Our Commitment of Service

Chinook Sexual Assault Services is committed to transparency in our service, through honest, respectful and factual representation of how we serve people and use public funds.

Registered as a society under the Society’s Act of Alberta. Incorporation Number 5020314174. As of April 1, 2019, the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre has been granted the privilege of charitable status through the Canada Revenue Agency. Charitable number 72641 0517 RR0001

The Chinook Sexual Assault Centre acknowledges that we are settlers on the traditional territories of the people of the Sik sik ait sitapi or the Blackfoot Confederacy. Today, four nations make up Sik sik aitsi tapi: the Kainai Nation (Blood Tribe), the Piikani Nation, the Siksika Nation in southern Alberta, as well as the Blackfeet Tribe in northern Montana. As both the traditional and current Land Keepers of this area, the Blackfoot Nations have welcomed people from other Indigenous territories, including all signatory Nations of Treaty No. 7, members of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3, and non-Indigenous people who have come to call this area home. Our work includes acting on Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation framework with continued learning and action to address deep-rooted systems of oppression and racism. We stand committed to the advancement of equity, diversity and inclusion for all people; for the health and well-being of our community.